7.5 Restarting a Checkpointed Flow

When using Checkpoint pipes in a Flow and the Flow fails, a future execution of the Flow can be restarted after the last successful FlowStep writing to a checkpoint file. That is, a Flow will only restart from the last Checkpoint Pipe location.

This feature requires that the failed Flow be planned with a runID set on the FlowDef, and the retry Flow use the same runID value. It goes without saying, the retry Flow should be (roughly) equivant to the previous failed attempt.

Example 7.9. Setting runID

FlowDef flowDef = new FlowDef()
  .setName( "flow-name" )
  .addSource( rhs, rhsSource )
  .addSource( lhs, lhsSource )
  .addTailSink( groupBy, sink )
  .addCheckpoint( checkpoint, checkpointTap )
  .setRunID( "some-unique-value" ); // re-use this id to restart this flow

Flow flow = new HadoopFlowConnector().connect( flowDef );

Caution should be used when using restarted checkpoint Flows. If the input data has changed, or the pipe assembly has significantly been altered, the Flow may fail or there may be undetectable errors.

Note that when using a runID, all Flow instances must use a unique value unless they are intended as a retry attempt. The runID value is used to scope the directories for the temporary checkpoint files to prevent file name collisions.

On successful completion of a Flow with a runID, all temporary checkpoint files will be removed, if any.

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