Package cascading.operation.assertion

Class Summary
AssertEquals Class AssertEquals asserts the number of constructor values is equal to the number of argument values Tuple and each constructor value is .equals() to its corresponding argument value.
AssertEqualsAll Class AssertEqualsAll asserts that every value in the argument values Tuple is equal to the value provided on the constructor.
AssertExpression Class AssertExpression dynamically resolves a given expression using argument Tuple values.
AssertGroupSizeEquals Class AssertGroupSizeEquals is an GroupAssertion that asserts the number of items in the current group is equal the given size.
AssertGroupSizeLessThan Class AssertGroupSizeEquals is an GroupAssertion that asserts the number of items in the current group is less than the given size.
AssertGroupSizeMoreThan Class AssertGroupSizeEquals is an GroupAssertion that asserts the number of items in the current group is more than the given size.
AssertMatches Class AssertMatches matches the given regular expression patternString against the whole argument Tuple by joining each individual element of the Tuple with a tab character (\t).
AssertMatchesAll Class AssertMatchesAll matches the given regular expression patternString against each argument Tuple element individually.
AssertNotEquals Class AssertNotEquals asserts the number of constructor values is equal to the number of argument values Tuple and each constructor value is not .equals() to its corresponding argument value.
AssertNotNull Class AssertNotNull asserts that every value in the argument values Tuple is not a null value.
AssertNull Class AssertNull asserts that every value in the argument values Tuple is a null value.
AssertSizeEquals Class AssertSizeEquals asserts that the current Tuple in the stream is exactly the given size.
AssertSizeLessThan Class AssertSizeLessThan asserts that the current Tuple in the stream has a size less than (<) the given size.
AssertSizeMoreThan Class AssertSizeMoreThan asserts that the current Tuple in the stream has a size more than (>) the given size.
BaseAssertion<C> Class BaseAssertion is a convenience class for Assertion implementations.

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