Package cascading.operation

Interface Summary
Aggregator<Context> An Aggregator takes the set of all values associated with a unique grouping and returns zero or more values.
AggregatorCall<C> Interface AggregatorCall provides access to the current Aggregator invocation arguments.
Assertion<PC> Interface Assertion is the base interface for all stream assertions.
Buffer<Context> A Buffer is similar to an Aggregator by the fact that it operates on unique groups of values.
BufferCall<C> Interface BufferCall provides access to the current Buffer invocation arguments.
Filter<Context> Interface Filter marks a given Operation as a filter, as opposed to being a Function.
FilterCall<C> Interface FilterCall provides access to the current Filter invocation arguments.
Function<Context> Interface Function marks a given Operation as a function, as opposed to being a Filter.
FunctionCall<C> Interface FunctionCall provides access to the current Function invocation arguments.
GroupAssertion<C> Class GroupAssertion is a kind of Assertion used with the Every pipe Operator.
GroupAssertionCall<C> Interface GroupAssertionCall provides access to the current GroupAssertion invocation arguments.
Operation<Context> Interface Operation is the base interface for all functions applied to Tuple streams.
PlannedOperation<Context> Interface PlannedOperation is implemented by all Operation implementations that use a PlannerLevel value to inform the FlowPlanner how to treat the operation during job planning.
PlannerLevel Interface PlannerLevel is the base interface for DebugLevel and AssertionLevel enum types.
ValueAssertion<C> Class ValueAssertion is a kind of Assertion used with the Each pipe Operator.
ValueAssertionCall<C> Interface ValueAssertionCall provides access to the current ValueAssertion invocation arguments.

Class Summary
BaseOperation<Context> Class BaseOperation is the base class of predicate types that are applied to Tuple streams via the Each or Every Pipe.
ConcreteCall<C> Class OperationCall is the common base class for FunctionCall, FilterCall, AggregatorCall, ValueAssertionCall, and GroupAssertionCall.
Debug Class Debug is a Filter that will never remove an item from a stream, but will print the Tuple to either stdout or stderr.
Identity The Identity function simply passes incoming arguments back out again.
Insert Class Insert adds literal values to the Tuple stream.
NoOp Class NoOp does nothing.

Enum Summary
AssertionLevel Enum AssertionLevel designates the level of a given Assertion instance.
DebugLevel Enum DebugLevel designates the level of a given Debug instance.

Exception Summary
AssertionException Class AssertionException is the exception that must be thrown when an Assertion fails.
OperationException Class OperationException is thrown by BaseOperation classes.

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