Package cascading.operation.aggregator

Class Summary
Average Class Average is an Aggregator that returns the average of all numeric values in the current group.
Average.Context Class Context is used to hold intermediate values.
Count Class Count is an Aggregator that calculates the number of items in the current group.
ExtentBase Class ExtentBase is the base class for First and Last.
ExtremaBase Class ExtremaBase is the base class for Max and Min.
First Class First is an Aggregator that returns the first Tuple encountered in a grouping.
Last Class Last is an Aggregator that returns the last Tuple encountered.
Max Class Max is an Aggregator that returns the maximum value encountered in the current group.
Min Class Min is an Aggregator that returns the minimum value encountered in the current group.
Sum Class Sum is an Aggregator that returns the sum of all numeric values in the current group.

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