Class Each

  extended by cascading.pipe.Pipe
      extended by cascading.pipe.Operator
          extended by cascading.pipe.Each
All Implemented Interfaces:
FlowElement, Serializable

public class Each
extends Operator

The Each operator applies either a Function or a Filter to each entry in the Tuple stream. Any number of Each operators can follow an Each, Group, or Every operator.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
 class Each.EachAssertionHandler
 class Each.EachFilterHandler
 class Each.EachFunctionHandler
 class Each.EachHandler
          Class EachHandler is a helper class that wraps Each instances.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class cascading.pipe.Operator
argumentSelector, operation, outputSelector, plannerLevel
Fields inherited from class cascading.pipe.Pipe
Constructor Summary
Each(Pipe previous, AssertionLevel assertionLevel, Assertion assertion)
Each(Pipe previous, DebugLevel debugLevel, Debug debug)
Each(Pipe previous, Fields argumentSelector, AssertionLevel assertionLevel, Assertion assertion)
Each(Pipe previous, Fields argumentSelector, DebugLevel debugLevel, Debug debug)
Each(Pipe previous, Fields argumentSelector, Filter filter)
          Constructor Each creates a new Each instance.
Each(Pipe previous, Fields argumentSelector, Function function)
          Only pass argumentFields to the given function, only return fields declared by the function.
Each(Pipe previous, Fields argumentSelector, Function function, Fields outputSelector)
          Only pass argumentFields to the given function, only return fields selected by the outputSelector.
Each(Pipe previous, Filter filter)
          Constructor Each creates a new Each instance.
Each(Pipe previous, Function function)
          Pass all fields to the given function, only return fields declared by the function.
Each(Pipe previous, Function function, Fields outputSelector)
          Only pass argumentFields to the given function, only return fields selected by the outputSelector.
Each(String name, AssertionLevel assertionLevel, Assertion assertion)
          Constructor Each creates a new Each instance.
Each(String name, Fields argumentSelector, AssertionLevel assertionLevel, Assertion assertion)
Each(String name, Fields argumentSelector, DebugLevel debugLevel, Debug debug)
Each(String name, Fields argumentSelector, Filter filter)
          Constructor Each creates a new Each instance.
Each(String name, Fields argumentSelector, Function function)
          Only pass argumentFields to the given function, only return fields declared by the function.
Each(String name, Fields argumentSelector, Function function, Fields outputSelector)
          Only pass argumentFields to the given function, only return fields selected by the outputSelector.
Each(String name, Filter filter)
          Constructor Each creates a new Each instance.
Each(String name, Function function)
          Pass all fields to the given function, only return fields declared by the function.
Each(String name, Function function, Fields outputSelector)
          Only return fields selected by the outputSelector.
Method Summary
 Each.EachHandler getHandler(FlowCollector flowCollector, Scope scope)
 Scope outgoingScopeFor(Set<Scope> incomingScopes)
          Method outgoingScopeFor returns the Scope this FlowElement hands off to the next FlowElement.
 Fields resolveFields(Scope scope)
          Method resolveFields returns the actual field names represented by the given Scope.
 Fields resolveIncomingOperationFields(Scope incomingScope)
          Method resolveIncomingOperationFields resolves the incoming scopes to the actual incoming operation field names.
protected  void verifyOperation()
Methods inherited from class cascading.pipe.Operator
equals, getArgumentSelector, getAssertionLevel, getFieldDeclaration, getOperation, getOutputSelector, getPlannerLevel, hashCode, hasPlannerLevel, isAssertion, isEquivalentTo, makeResult, printInternal, resolveRemainderFields, toString
Methods inherited from class cascading.pipe.Pipe
getHeads, getName, getPrevious, getTrace, names, pipes, print
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Each(String name,
                                       Function function)
Pass all fields to the given function, only return fields declared by the function.

name - name for this branch of Pipes
function - Function to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(String name,
                                       Fields argumentSelector,
                                       Function function)
Only pass argumentFields to the given function, only return fields declared by the function.

name - name for this branch of Pipes
argumentSelector - field selector that selects Function arguments from the input Tuple
function - Function to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(String name,
                                       Fields argumentSelector,
                                       Function function,
                                       Fields outputSelector)
Only pass argumentFields to the given function, only return fields selected by the outputSelector.

name - name for this branch of Pipes
argumentSelector - field selector that selects Function arguments from the input Tuple
function - Function to be applied to each input Tuple
outputSelector - field selector that selects the output Tuple from the input and Function results Tuples


public Each(String name,
                                       Function function,
                                       Fields outputSelector)
Only return fields selected by the outputSelector.

name - name for this branch of Pipes
function - Function to be applied to each input Tuple
outputSelector - field selector that selects the output Tuple from the input and Function results Tuples


public Each(Pipe previous,
                                       Function function)
Pass all fields to the given function, only return fields declared by the function.

previous - previous Pipe to receive input Tuples from
function - Function to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(Pipe previous,
                                       Fields argumentSelector,
                                       Function function)
Only pass argumentFields to the given function, only return fields declared by the function.

previous - previous Pipe to receive input Tuples from
argumentSelector - field selector that selects Function arguments from the input Tuple
function - Function to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(Pipe previous,
                                       Fields argumentSelector,
                                       Function function,
                                       Fields outputSelector)
Only pass argumentFields to the given function, only return fields selected by the outputSelector.

previous - previous Pipe to receive input Tuples from
argumentSelector - field selector that selects Function arguments from the input Tuple
function - Function to be applied to each input Tuple
outputSelector - field selector that selects the output Tuple from the input and Function results Tuples


public Each(Pipe previous,
                                       Function function,
                                       Fields outputSelector)
Only pass argumentFields to the given function, only return fields selected by the outputSelector.

previous - previous Pipe to receive input Tuples from
function - Function to be applied to each input Tuple
outputSelector - field selector that selects the output Tuple from the input and Function results Tuples


public Each(String name,
                                       Filter filter)
Constructor Each creates a new Each instance.

name - name for this branch of Pipes
filter - Filter to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(String name,
                                       Fields argumentSelector,
                                       Filter filter)
Constructor Each creates a new Each instance.

name - name for this branch of Pipes
argumentSelector - field selector that selects Function arguments from the input Tuple
filter - Filter to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(Pipe previous,
                                       Filter filter)
Constructor Each creates a new Each instance.

previous - previous Pipe to receive input Tuples from
filter - Filter to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(Pipe previous,
                                       Fields argumentSelector,
                                       Filter filter)
Constructor Each creates a new Each instance.

previous - previous Pipe to receive input Tuples from
argumentSelector - field selector that selects Function arguments from the input Tuple
filter - Filter to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(String name,
                                       AssertionLevel assertionLevel,
                                       Assertion assertion)
Constructor Each creates a new Each instance.

name - name for this branch of Pipes
assertionLevel - AssertionLevel to associate with the Assertion
assertion - Assertion to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(String name,
                                       Fields argumentSelector,
                                       AssertionLevel assertionLevel,
                                       Assertion assertion)
name - name for this branch of Pipes
argumentSelector - field selector that selects Function arguments from the input Tuple
assertionLevel - AssertionLevel to associate with the Assertion
assertion - Assertion to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(Pipe previous,
                                       AssertionLevel assertionLevel,
                                       Assertion assertion)
previous - previous Pipe to receive input Tuples from
assertionLevel - AssertionLevel to associate with the Assertion
assertion - Assertion to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(Pipe previous,
                                       Fields argumentSelector,
                                       AssertionLevel assertionLevel,
                                       Assertion assertion)
previous - previous Pipe to receive input Tuples from
argumentSelector - field selector that selects Function arguments from the input Tuple
assertionLevel - AssertionLevel to associate with the Assertion
assertion - Assertion to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(String name,
                                       Fields argumentSelector,
                                       DebugLevel debugLevel,
                                       Debug debug)
name - name for this branch of Pipes
argumentSelector - field selector that selects Function arguments from the input Tuple
debugLevel - DebugLevel to associate with the Debug
debug - Debug to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(Pipe previous,
                                       DebugLevel debugLevel,
                                       Debug debug)
previous - previous Pipe to receive input Tuples from
debugLevel - DebugLevel to associate with the Debug
debug - Debug to be applied to each input Tuple


public Each(Pipe previous,
                                       Fields argumentSelector,
                                       DebugLevel debugLevel,
                                       Debug debug)
previous - previous Pipe to receive input Tuples from
argumentSelector - field selector that selects Function arguments from the input Tuple
debugLevel - DebugLevel to associate with the Debug
debug - Debug to be applied to each input Tuple
Method Detail


protected void verifyOperation()
verifyOperation in class Operator


public Fields resolveIncomingOperationFields(Scope incomingScope)
Description copied from interface: FlowElement
Method resolveIncomingOperationFields resolves the incoming scopes to the actual incoming operation field names.

Specified by:
resolveIncomingOperationFields in interface FlowElement
resolveIncomingOperationFields in class Pipe
incomingScope - of type Scope
See Also:


public Fields resolveFields(Scope scope)
Description copied from interface: FlowElement
Method resolveFields returns the actual field names represented by the given Scope. The scope may be incoming or outgoing in relation to this FlowElement instance.

Specified by:
resolveFields in interface FlowElement
resolveFields in class Pipe
scope - of type Scope
See Also:


public Scope outgoingScopeFor(Set<Scope> incomingScopes)
Description copied from interface: FlowElement
Method outgoingScopeFor returns the Scope this FlowElement hands off to the next FlowElement.

Specified by:
outgoingScopeFor in interface FlowElement
Specified by:
outgoingScopeFor in class Operator
incomingScopes - of type Set
See Also:


public Each.EachHandler getHandler(FlowCollector flowCollector,
                                   Scope scope)

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